Configure color of persons track in map card?

Can the color of a persons “tracks” in the map card be configured?
I have been using the card since it came out…quite a while now.
My issue is that somehow during my update of HA to 2021.7 and HAOS 6 the color of one person on the map changed.
Since we have been using this for such a long time I would like to change back to the old color for the ability to recognize at a glance rather than have to adapt to the new color.

Is this possible? I didn’t see anything on the page for the map card except light or dark mode.
I use dark mode and always have so no change there.




I think this card is part of standard charts package used by HA. In 2021.7 new version of this library was introduced, that changes default pallette. Not much that could be done, I’m affraind, until developpers decide to impplement color customization. See that main thread about 2021.7 - recently there was quite a lot of discussion on this topic.

Have you found a solution to this?

My map only has 2 tracks, however I’m colour blind and the tracks are blue and purple (I think!) So they look the same colour to me! All I need to be able to do is change one of them.

I never did. My colors are blue and purple and I only have two also. Before they changed they were blue and green and much easier to tell apart even though I’m not color blind.

I guess we could do a feature request, but the reality is that with HA having hundreds of thousands of installations two or three votes to change something won’t get the attention of anyone that can make a change. Not likely anyway. That said I’ll vote for one if you start it.

Even though it can be difficult on my pc…dim monitor and further away…to see which is which I never thought of the accessibility issue.

Not sure who you could bring it to, but that may be the way to get this fixed.

I have exactly the same question and it would really be helpful to customize the tracker colors on the map for better visuality.

Does anyone have a idea how to customize this?

best regards

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I never figured it out myself. Maybe post an issue or similar on github?
I wouldn’t know exactly where to do so…maybe someone else has an idea?

Hey, I found a workaround! I too am colorblind and this was driving me nuts.

The workaround is to re-order the entities in the card. I have zones for Home and for household members’ Work as entities in the map card, and I added People entries (with no tracking) for our pets. That gave me enough entries to rearrange things to find some distinguishable colors.