I’m using the newest versions of HA and the Grafana addon and I would like to display weekdays instead of the date to label the x axis. While searching I’ve found the following link:
thanks a lot. I was pretty happy about your answer and thought, that would absolutely solve my question.
But until now, I can change the format (values) to what I want, but it has no effect on the graphs afterwards. Nothing helps, not restarting the addon, nor restarting HA completely.
It seems, I still miss something.
I learned that those variables need to start with GF…, because otherwise a validation is complaining - at least this is what I’m currently thinking. I’ve tried to search for some kind of manual pages to tell me, how the naming convention is, but failed.
Either way, just using the names from the Grafana help pages (like full_date or interval_month) does not work, so I guess I need the extended form with a leading GF_DATE_FORMAT_
After restarting the addon, I can see in the log that something is done:
And now I was expecting that when I check a dashboard and change the displayed time interval, the format would have been changed accordingly. I tried a lot of different variations of those values, but I didn’t see any effect, nor have I been able to find a pattern to work with.
I don’t know, whether I should be sad or happy, but I’ll be able to sort that out…
If you just write INTERVAL_MONTH, the application is complaining like:
But if you miss an ‘S’, it is quiet and I wasted hours, because I didn’t see this.
Fine - problem solved.
Now I just need to figure out, whether names of weekdays are supported or not and then I’m totally happy. As you can see on the screenshot, I tried Ds and Es, but still no success.