Configure groups inside of group card to show sensor?

I have a card with 2 groups in it (see screen shot) is there a way i can have the output be one of the entities instead of “unknown?”


Energy Devices:
  name: Energy Devices
    - group.enphase_envoy
    - group.solar_edge

Enphase Envoy:
    - sensor.envoy_current_energy_production
    - sensor.envoy_todays_energy_production
    - sensor.envoy_last_seven_days_energy_production
    - sensor.envoy_lifetime_energy_production

  name: Thermostats
    - climate.basement
    - climate.entryway
    - climate.upstairs

Solar Edge:
    - sensor.solaredge_currentpower
    - sensor.solaredge_lastdayenergy
    - sensor.solaredge_lastmonthenergy
    - sensor.solaredge_lastyearenergy
    - sensor.solaredge_lifetimeenergy

Not really sure I understand what you’re trying to achieve here :confused:

If you want to show the value of one of the sensors of a group, why not just use that sensor instead of the group.

Thanks for the reply @chairstacker.

You see in the screen shot where it shows “unknown?” I would like to replace that value with the “current power production” values.
I like having them grouped so i can click on the device and see the sub card with additional details. I guess I want the Energy Devices card to be like a “glance” card, with just that one value showing, but if I interact with it, the subwindow will continue to show me the details i want.

Okay - now I understand what you’d like to see.
I don’t think that’s possible, though, but maybe somebody else has a solution for it.

I think this is a good idea. Anyone know if this is possible?