Configure Home Assistant Documentation unclear

Hey guys,

This documentation is really unclear and missing steps, kinda like step 1, step two, step 10: and now you’re done, easy as that lol

Doesn’t tell you to, click browse file system in the left-hand top corner, then choose configuration.yaml, then enter the code.

Time for the first practice with the configurator. Add the following to configuration.yaml file to add a link to the Configurator in the sidebar:

title: Configurator
icon: mdi:wrench
url: http://hassio.local:3218
Now restart Home Assistant for the changes to the configuration to take effect. You can do this by going to the config panel (Configuration in the sidebar) -> General -> Restart Home Assistant.

Also, I have no idea where to enter the code, I’ve just put it here;

# Enables configuration UI

    title: Configurator
    icon: mdi:wrench
    url: http://hassio.local:3218

  # Secrets are defined in the file secrets.yaml

It works, so I guess it’s fine to just put it anywhere?

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yep, put it anywhere.

treat the configuration.yaml file as a container. For example if you have a bag and you put a bunch of fruit in it, does it matter which fruit goes in first? No. Just start chucking crap in it. All that matters is the format. Spacing/indents matter, DO NOT USE TABS ONLY SPACES.

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I would not put my bananas under my watermelon, but I guess that’s a different story :smiley:

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Thanks guys,

It may have been something hidden character, but now I’m having other issues with the webgui refusing to show.

Ill put it in a new post though.

Thanks again