Configure Home Assistant with WIFI

I want to achieve the following workflow: A customer receives an RPi with Home Assistant, can plug it into the power. The RPi broadcasts an Access Point via the Access Point Addon (which is working).

Then the user should be able to search for networks via Settings → System → Network and connect to a home WLAN to have internet on the rpi.

I also have the wifi-connector Addon running, but it doens’t seem to do anything.
With nmcli, wlan0 interface is first listed as unmanaged. When i run

nmcli dev set wlan0 managed yes

i can get wlan0 to be managed by nmcli:

I can then scan for networks and connect to an SSID via:

nmcli device wifi list

But it doesn’t show in the UI, how can I achieve it to be able to scan for networks in Settings → System → Network?

There are also two integrations for the network, one to scan for wifis, and one to enable wifi, so theoretically customers do not need access to settings.

I use:

  • Core 2023.12.3
  • Supervisor 2024.01.1
  • Operating System 9.4
  • Frontend 20231208.2