Configure HomeAssitant with HTTPS and self signed certificates

this is driving me nuts…
My objective is to connect to my HA via HTTPS not via HTTP.

I do NOT want internet exposure, no duckdns, no let’s encrypt, no need for all of them
I have my certificate authority that generates certificates for all my devices without any problem.
the only one not working is HA

I’ve tried to create the Private Key, Certificate, create the boundle (device + intermediate + root) and put the two files in /ssl/privatekey.pem and /ssl/fullchain.pem

but when I edit the config file to add:

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I get a nice Configuration error

Configuration invalid!

Integration error: ssl_certificate - Integration 'ssl_certificate' not found.
Integration error: ssl_key - Integration 'ssl_key' not found.

what am I doing wrong? it should not be soooooo difficult :frowning:

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It seems that your indentation is not correct… It should be:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

HA is taking your “ssl_certificate:” as an integration, it is not stating “file not found” but “integration not found”…

me dummy! let me try :slight_smile: it does not provide anymore the config error :slight_smile:

and I found the correct sequence of the certs so now it works