Good day. I am wanting to select a specific network interface for the Samba Addon to attach to, rather than having the Addon default to what appears to be the first network interface in Supervisor.
Running the following:
HomeAssistantOS - core-2022.3.1; supervisor-2022.01.1; Home Assistant OS 7.4
Samba share - 9.5.1
Running under Proxmox 7.1-10 in a VM.
My system has two network cards which can be seen in Supervisor: enp0s18 and enp0s19. When the Samba addon starts up it attaches to enp0s18 and the share is accessible from Windows. I would like to have the addon attach to enp0s19.
I have searched and read postings on the forum and reviewed the code on Git and it appears “interface” may have been part of the available configuration as some point in the past. However, when I try to add “interface: enp0s19” to the config and start the addon, Supervisor logs a message stating generally that “interface” is not part of the schema.
Hopefully I did not miss finding a simple answer in the forum or docs. Thanks for taking time to help!