Hello, I am fairly new to this and have a question that the community experts might be able to help with. I have configured the below in the automations.yaml file, however I would like for the switch to only be on between a certain time, say on at '07:00:00 and off at ‘19:00:00’ and for said temperature to turn the ac off/on between that time. I know that this would more than likely be a condition but I am having a hard time with formatting that template correctly. Any help would greatly be appreciated
- id: ChickenCoopAC_OffBasedOnTemperature
alias: Turn off Chickencoop AC at 75 Degrees
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.chicken_coop_temperature
below: 75
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.chickencoop_ac
- id: ChickenCoopRunAC_OnBasedOnTemperature
alias: Turn on Chickencoop Run AC at 80 Degrees
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.chicken_coop_temperature
above: '80'
- service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.chickencoop_run_ac
Hello, thank you for your quick reply and for the automation. The community is awesome!
The automation turned off the switch however it did not turn on the switch “switch.chickencoop_ac”. The “sensor.chicken_coop_temperature” is now above 80 degrees and with in the condition of time but has not turned on the switch “switch.chickencoop_ac”. I am currently running version 0.115.2
Im trying to figure out how to create an automation that will turn my sons heater on (input_boolean) based on the temperature being less than or equal too 67 degrees Fahrenheit using ecobee temp sensor in his room. Also have it turn off at 70 degrees Fahrenheit and only if presence is detected and only between the hours of 8pm - 4am and only in the winter months based on outside temp which I have smart weather station for that entity as well. Im sure with all you brilliant minds in here this is probably easy for you all but for me im lost. Thank you in advanced