Here’s the process I used to have shortcuts on my windows desktop for home assistant and NodeRed.
- Right click on the desktop and create short cut
- Browse to the chrome executable under program files\google and select it.
- Give it a name and save it to your desktop as a new short cut.
- Right click it and visit the properties page
- Access the Target field and move the cursor to the end of the field, enter a space and add the URL to your home assistant web site.
- If you wish a fresh standalone chrome window to be started proceed the URL with --new-window
- Click the Apply button and exit the dialog.
I then visited the Home Assistant web site to right click on a image to use an icon and saved to the local computer as PNG file and then did the same for NodeRed.
I then used a online website to convert them to ICO files.
Once you have the ICO files you can right click on the short cut and click the “Change Icon” button.