Configure Wyze cam RTSP on dashboard?

I recently came to know that wyze have rtsp firmware so did the upgrade, wyze app works fine, able to stream on mac using vlc, all fine but on home assistant i am unable to make it work.

  - platform: ffmpeg
    input: rtsp://username:[email protected]/live
    name: reef

When i go to developer tools->states option I can see the entity created, clicking on it shows the media window and a spinning bar, thats it.

Looked at log and it says:
Connection to tcp:// failed: Operation timed out

This is my setting in configuration.yaml

# CAMERAS ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  - platform: generic
    name: Wyze Cam
    stream_source: rtsp://user:password@camera_ip/live
    verify_ssl: false

Great! Thank you for sharing this.

In the Picture Glance card (Lovelace UI) I also added ‘image’ as the Streaming URL.copied from MotionEye.

image: ‘http://XXX.XXX.X.XX:YYYY’

@Daniel-san in your configuration file.

Hi Guys
I just bought a new wyze cam pan that comming with firmware, I have not been able to flash with demo_Pan_rtsp_4.29.4.41 firmware to enable RTSP… any idea or suggestions about that?

Bro. Thank you so much. This is the only salutation i got working with my Wyze cam v2 with RTSP turned on.