I like the MotionEye path, great system, simply because you can also use it outside of HA if needed.
Very simple once you have the MotionEye addon installed in HA but, obviously not all cams work with MotionEye.
I’m using Raspberry Pi and now Wyze Cam in MotionEye.
Blink and Ring DB not yet possible.
I’m also looking for the RSTP config from someone on this forum.
deleted this post to edit again: got it working, the entity registry didn’t have the camera but the states had it listed (??)
I have it in Lovelace, doesn’t load still image or the stream, probably because what you said previously, it isn’t very reliable? Thanks for helping with the config
I don’t have stream turned on in my configuration because as ppl have already stated, its unreliable and puts a strain anytime its being utilized on the screen (can actually here the Nuc get louder if I load one of those pages lol)… So no stream component on - I use Wyze Pan Cams, as well as regular wyze cam 2.0’s via RTSP using the ffmpeg component. This is what I use, nothing else… (besides adding it to lovelace via normal picture glance card)
and I have 4 cameras set up this way, after following the instructions for installing the beta firmware. ** Obviously change IP to what your camera’s IP address is.
NOTE: I can NOT get VLC to show any stream in any variation of this - (on Mac OS X) – however it does work with ffmpeg and Hassio. I have no idea why vlc doesn’t work. I’ve tried literally a hundred diff ways to get it to work. and the logs don’t really point me in a direction that is helpful (for me anyhow).
So the same thing happens to me… Once you enter a possibly wrong configuration for ffmpeg then the camera is basically dead to Hassio. Need to remove it, reload, and start over. I don’t recall how much delay there is… And I don’t even have stream enabled… I’ll try that now. Though it spams my log with tens of thousands of errors it seems (I could be exaggerating quiet a bit). Will let you know how it goes.
My HA configuration is broken up into smaller files - I have the following in my configuration.yaml file:
camera: !include_dir_list includes/cameras
Then I have a file named “ffmpeg_frontdoor.yaml” inside this folder:
The contents of the file is now:
platform: ffmpeg
name: frontdoor
input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://user:[email protected]/live
extra_arguments: ‘-preset faster -vf “scale=1280:720”’
Notes: the input is actually in the secrets file but I’ve copied here so you can see the format.
I stream the cameras to an Amazon FireHD8 and the resolution on that is lower (1280x720) than what the camera provides so I use the extra arguments to lower the resolution of the camera output as well (to lower the bandwidth and I think more stable).
This was my main issue. I think it is just the latency of the cameras, but I have no source, that was just my best guess. It was pretty delayed and would cut out often, so I just ended up removing the custom RTSP firmware and not using wyze in HA.
The new WYZE app update is pretty nice in that it send a thumbnail of the video it records when it detects motion to your phone, so when you see the notification you can see the camera. Thats good enough for me