I am stuck…could anyone point me in the right direction?
I have the RING - MQTT add on installed and running. I was able to authenticate using user name and password for my ring account. (I do not have the RING integration running)
I see all four (4) of my ring cameras listed and each have many entities listed in my HASS device/entities page.
The Generic Camera integration does not seem to be accepting my inputs.
the user name and password should be left blank. it is not connecting to your ring account. it’s connecting to the local rtsp stream set up by mqtt. you should have entered your ring account info into mqtt when you set up ring-mqtt.
for beatuy points: also i tend to prefer:
{{ state_attr(‘sensor.front_door_ring_camera’, ‘stream_Source’) }}
if you use this make sure sensor name i put is replaced with the proper sensor that you have and that the stream_Source attribute of it has the right rtsp stream
what you have isn’t wrong if it’s got the right info… i just prefer not hard coding it.
try that first and see how it goes. otherwise we’ll have to verify each part one by one…
Finally off work and can play around with this a bit more. Thank you Armedad!!!
I was over complicating it.
TCP for transport protocol
the same url for live stream
still image url blank
leave everything else blank.
Done. Now I can try to play around with it. I am hoping to have HASS support two way talk as well like the native RING app does. Also have a still image of the camera and when I tap it on my dashboard have it open up live view.
for #3. the still image doesn’t matter for anything other than preview. can be blank, or if one of your entities dumps in a still capture, use that… which is why i like using the template… so it gets redirected properly. the tcp and the username/password are key.
unfortunately i haven’t seen a solution for 2 way comms. if you figure that out, let us know! and it’s certainly not as responsive as the native app unfortunately.
The audio is working with no extra set up. That is to say I can hear the sound while viewing the cameras. I will have to test the microphone later when someone else is home.
It is a big sluggish. However to have it on my dashboard is nice!
I already had these cameras before getting into HASS. Maybe in the future I will go a different route something that works a bit “faster” to the real world LIVE view.
The above is only true IF you already have the generic cameras setup.
This is how you actually find the camera ID’s
Click Settings then Devices & Services.
Click MQTT then click the devices list.
Click the camera you want the ID for. In the middle column right at the bottom you should see a Diagnostic area. Click Info and it will open a small “Camera Info” window.
Right at the bottom you will see an attributes area, click the down arrow symbol to the right to open the attributes area and in there you should see the stream source and the still Image URL and within that you will see the ID you are looking for.