Configuring IR blaster

Hey guys, I wonder if you could help? I’m having problems sending IR signals from a Neo Coolcam IR Module. I am trying to create a script for the blaster which has been flashed with tasmota.
When I send an IR signal, I see the input on the console of the device which shows that it works, I can also send commands directly from the console using the sample send command below

*EDIT The crossed out section was a little misleading because the commands I was referring to there were entered directly into the blaster’s console (not through HA). When I run the script on HA I do not see the corresponding action on the blaster’s console. It does not fix the issue, but points to a communication issue between HA and the device. *


The problem is when I try to script this in home-assistant no signal gets sent. Here is the sample script I created for sending sending IR commands.

     - service: mqtt.publish
         topic: 'cmnd/tasmota_E866B3/IRsend'
         payload: '{"Protocol":"RC6","Bits":20,"Data":"0x0100C","DataLSB":"0x00830","Repeat":0}'

Have I missed anything? Any help will be appreciated.

Here is one of my scripts - which works with a tasmota-ised IR blaster:

alias: LED Strip IR Remote - Dim Up
  - service: mqtt.publish
      payload: >-
      topic: cmnd/IRBridge01/IRsend
mode: single

Only other matter to consider is order of ‘cmnd/tasmota_E866B3/IRsend’ check it is not meant to be tasmota_E866B3/cmnd/IRsend.

thanks @rob1303 I tried copied your code but no signal gets sent. Here is a modified version of your script.

  alias: LED Strip IR Remote - Dim Up
    - service: mqtt.publish
        payload: >-
        topic: cmnd/tasmota_E866B3/IRsend
  mode: single

Regarding the topics, here is how i configured mine.

MQTT Group Topic 1 - cmnd/tasmotas/
MQTT Full Topic - cmnd/tasmota_E866B3/

Do I have to change the format?

Do you have other tasmota/mqtt devices set up and working correctly? ie) mqtt broker is all working.
Are you able to see the device in Configuration>Devices in HA?

If the blaster is in devices in HA are you able to execute the command from Developer tools>Services?

I found the issue. You pointed me in the right direction. It turned out to be a rookie mistake on my part. I did not specify the ip address of the mqtt broker when I configured the tastomta-ised blaster. in essence there was no way for it to communicate with HA.

Yes, I have a few other devices working already. I was so certain the problem was from the HA that I failed to look at the device configs.

Thanks for the assist. :raised_hands:

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