Configuring LED strip

I’m a noob to HA programming but I’m looking to set up a switch which would turn all of my LED strips on and change them to a strobe effect. I would like that switch to then propagate to HomeKit so it can be used in a HomeKit scene. What’s the best way to go about doing that?

From your post it isn’t entirely clear if you have any hardware yet, but this tutorial with source code and schematic is totally awesome and relatively easy to follow. See the YouTube video as well. If you got this led strip working, you’ll find it’s quite flexible in how you can control it through home assistant.

Sorry, I should have specified - I already have three strips installed, using the Flux-LED plugin.

I have cobbled together this, but it doesn’t quite do what I want it to.

Dummy switch for Party Mode

  • platform: template
    friendly_name: Party Switch
    value_template: “{{ is_state(‘party_switch’, ‘on’) or is_state(‘party_switch’, ‘off’)}}”
    service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.600194b3384f_1921688694
    effect: colorstrobe
    service: light.turn_off
    entity_id: light.600194b3384f_1921688694

Instead of colors cycling and strobbing, the strip with flash every second or so but be off in between flashes. Selecting the colorstrobe type effect in MagicHome app works fine.

Sorry your code makes no sense without proper formatting and indentation. See the top of the page.

Sorry, it was formatted correctly when I pasted but doesn’t show up that way… should have looked like this:


The switches: line is definitely in the wrong place. Indent it probably two spaces.

sorry, it’s correct in the actual file… I’m struggling with posting here… the file passes HA’s check, so that’s not the issue…

You could try sharing through hastebin. In general not recommended because it requires more effort on the part of anyone looking to help you, but might be worth it if you’re having issues.