Add the under score for the space .
My other issue is discovery is not finding them, I think my mttq is not right . I used hassbian scripts to install mosquitto, so I think I need too trouble shoot it .
@treno Thanks, connected the dots on mqtt. I got some my broker working and hass consuming published topics.
So no I am moving back to wallpanel
under the mqtt configurations
MQTT client enabled “on”
So to start playing I "mosquitto_sub -v -p 1883 -u xxxxxxx -P xxxxx -t “wallpanel/#”
And saw this …
wallpanel/kitchenwallpanel/sensor/battery {"charging":true,"value":79,"acPlugged":true,"unit":"%","usbPlugged":false}
wallpanel/kitchenwallpanel/sensor/light {"id":"Light Sensor","value":327.79998779296875,"unit":"??"}
wallpanel/kitchenwallpanel/sensor/magneticField {"id":"MS-3R (YAS532) Magnetic Sensor","value":-17.8700008392334,"unit":"??"}
wallpanel/kitchenwallpanel/sensor/magneticField {"id":"MS-3R (YAS532) Magnetic Sensor","value":-17.8700008392334,"unit":"??"}
Ok, battery and light makes sense. But magneticField does not, other than moving it around changes, but what to make of the numbers I am not quite sure.
Also, I am not seeing sensor motion. I still must not have something right there.
Played with the motion Minimum Luma and did not see a motion event.