Conflicting sensors on one ESP devices


I added some sensors to an ESP32 to measure air quality in my home.
I’m using sensors: ccs811 (i2c), sds011 (uart) and senseair S8 (uart). To help increase lifespan of the sds011 sensor, I set the measuring interval to 8 minutes.

The problem is that the spinning up the sds011 for its periodic measurement seems to impact the other two sensors (value spikes). Mainly the sensair. See screenshot.
After the red line, I disconnected the sds011 and no more measurement spikes for the other sensors.
I’m guessing that the spinning up the sds011 fan takes up to much power of the esp32 and impacts the other sensors.
Is there a solution while keeping all the sensors connected to this one board? I don’t want the sds011 to do continues measurement as this will decrease the lifespan.

My config in esphome:

  sda: GPIO23
  scl: GPIO5
  - rx_pin: GPIO17
    tx_pin: GPIO16
    baud_rate: 9600
    id: SDS011
  - rx_pin: GPIO21
    tx_pin: GPIO22
    baud_rate: 9600
    id: sensair

  - platform: ccs811
      name: "eCO2 (CCS811)"
      id: ccs811_eco2
      name: "Total Volatile Organic Compound (CCS811)"
      id: ccs811_tvoc
    address: 0x5A
    update_interval: 61s
    baseline: 0xB47C
  - platform: sds011
      name: "Particulate Matter <2.5µm Concentration"
      name: "Particulate Matter <10.0µm Concentration"
    update_interval: 8min
    uart_id: SDS011
  - platform: senseair
      name: "SenseAir CO2 Value"
    update_interval: 60s
    uart_id: sensair
    id: sensair_woonkamer

I am not sure how your SDS011 is wired up, but it sounds like a separate power supply, or a capacitor may help.

all sensors are connected to the single 5V VCC and same ground.
So hook them up directly to the power supply rather then via the esp board?