I have a Hue strip under my cabinets and a Caseta switch for the recessed lighting. When I trigger the cabinet lights to go on via an automation when the recessed lights turn on, it takes awhile (see 1st clip in video). Alternatively, when I use a Pico remote to turn both on at the same time on button press, the light strip goes on first and then the recessed lights come up but it still takes awhile (see 2nd clip in video). What is odd though is when using my Philips Hue remote, both lights turn on at the same time (see 3rd clip in video). I was originally thinking maybe the Lutron bridge or Hue hub is just slow, but the Hue dimmer is utilizing the Lutron bridge through HA as well.
Below is my Pico automation:
alias: Kithcen Pico - on button - turn on kitchen lights
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.kitchen_pico
to: '1'
condition: []
- service: light.toggle
data: {}
area_id: kitchen
mode: single
max: 10
Below is my Hue automation:
alias: 'Hue Remote Brighten - Kitchen '
description: ''
- device_id: ee43d4f108c7b82f0975a86d5faa3022
domain: hue
platform: device
type: remote_button_short_release
subtype: dim_up
condition: []
- service: light.toggle
data: {}
area_id: kitchen
mode: single
The only real difference I can notice is that in the YAML for the Hue, the trigger platform is a device versus a state. Still though, the automation actions are the same so I would think the speed of turning on would be the same.
Edit: Also, for reference, the Pico remote is not paired to any lights in the Lutron app. All actions are being done through HA.