Confused moving to ZWave JS

I’m running 2 Home Assistant OS VMs on Proxmox using the QCOW2 install method. One is my ‘main’ instance and the other is my ZWave network host. This separation allows me to restart my ‘main’ instance without my zwave network needing to restart which takes ages!

I’m currently using the OpenZwave beta addon which is working fine but, seeing the info about ZwaveJS (and ZWaveJS MQTT) I thought now may be the time to upgrade.

I’ve got ZWaveJSMQTT running on (a clone of) my zwave network host VM and have removed OpenZwave beta from this. The integration seems to be working and is using “ws://a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt:3000” as it’s communication link.

I can’t however get the ‘main’ HA instance to connect. I go to add the integration, uncheck the “Use the Z-Wave JS Supervisor add-on” box, add the above url and then it comes back with “failed to connect”. I’ve tried replacing the “a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt” element with the ip address of the VM that I use to access the web ui but still get “failed to connect”.

I have a feeling this is a Docker networking issue but I may be well off the mark! If it is I have no idea where to start anyway!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If you’re using an addon in some second instance of HA, you need to expose the server port in the addon’s network configuration. The service is not exposed outside of HA by default.

The a0d7b954-zwavejs2mqtt hostname is only valid for the local HA instance. To connect from a remote one you must use the hostname/ip address of that instance.

I think it’s way overkill to run two instances of HAOS just to host a remote z-wave server, but if that’s what you’re most comfortable with, go for it. Much simpler IMO to just run a docker container on its own.

Thanks for the help; much appreciated.

It probably is overkill from a machine perspective but it does allow me to move the zwave controller out of my server cupboard if needed by dropping that onto an rpi. I’ve had to do the same with sonoff zigbee bridge. We live in an old house with a thick stone wall in the middle which sucks up radio waves!

For anyone interested the solution is simple!

All credit to @NamCisum from here Z-Wave JS to MQTT on different host - #5 by NamCisum

In the ZwaveJS add-on configuration tab put in the port you wish to pass through (3000) where it says disabled. Then in the client instance add using “ws://”

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