Confused on how to configure Areas

I write the best bug ridden code. Perhaps I’ll give it a go. :slight_smile:

Man, it’s a lot of work. If you want to take advantage of integrations, you’d just need to add it to the components you use :rofl:

Is there a way to stop the areas appearing as panels on the UI? It doesn’t merge them with groups of the same name so I have duplicate panels scattered about.

Move off of the automatic UI and configure it yourself. Otherwise you are stuck with the caveats like this.

I don’t think adding groups / light groups to Area Registry is possible yet, but if anyone knows how to do it I’d love the ability to add Light Groups (not just Groups) to the Area Registry.
I have some multi-globe fixtures using Hue connected globes (sorry, I can’t bring myself to call remote controlled globes “Smart”). I have these set up in Light Groups (not standard groups).

  - platform: group
    name: Living room ceiling
      - light.livingroom_globe1
      - light.livingroom_globe2
      - light.livingroom_globe3

The above code shows the light group as light.living_room_ceiling, but this is not an integration obviously.
I’d like to be able to add it to the Living Room area register.
This is not so much for Lovelace, as I can manually configure lovelace, but for Voice Assistant setups.
Each entity that is integrated to an area in area registry shows automatically in Google Home in the correct room.
ie: Kitchen is a single Z-Wave Nano dimmer which shows as a Z-Wave integration “light.kitchen_ceiling”. Google Home automatically picks this up as Kitchen Ceiling Light, located in the room Kitchen.

Does anyone know if this is available for light groups yet?

You can manually set the hint for them in the yaml file - so all my lights show in rooms automatically.

    expose: false
    room: lounge room

I actually don’t expose the light group as you see but there’s no reason that can’t be done as well.

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@DavidFW1960 :

I completely forgot about that fuctionality. As a light group will show in the light domain, that would work perfectly.

I do hope one day it can be done via the Area Register so it can be done front end and also work with the new area permissions that are being worked on. I can use YAML and understand it, but I will be honest, I don’t enjoy YAML :slight_smile:.

Thank you so much for reminding me about that option.

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This method does disable the UI editing of devices, but I am impressed that the UI still shows which ones are enabled and disabled in a Read Only mode. Makes it much clearer than chasing through the YAML to work out what I had included and excluded :slight_smile:

looking for clues to the use of areas, i stumbled on you post here.
Must have missed this completely, but none of what you use here is familiar to me…

where do you write
expose: false and
room: ??

thing is I wanted to start experimenting with these areas, but having only made 1 Office area, I cant seem to find it in the state machine. Probably isn’t there, but wanted to be sure it wouldn’t interfere, or double, all my already existing groups, with the same name…
also, is a room as you use above, the same as an area?

any pointers are appreciated!

It’s in my google assistant configuration - it’s all part of the configuration for that.

a yes, thanks, forgot about that… use the room: setup in my nabucasa setup also, but they are not the same as the areas in HA are they? Those rooms are for Google Home organization only afaik?

have you setup Areas in HA, and, can we manipulate/config these in yaml, or is this a configuration thing only.

They are only available for use with integrations - so not yaml.
I believe GA will use areas as room hints if you don’t add devices via rooms in GA config (obviously only if the device is allocated to an area in integrations)

ok thanks, will start some testing…
thing is HUE automatically creates lights groups, which are lights in HA, and has recently added Zones to their setup, also imported as lights in HA, Tradfri does something alike, and I already have handmade groups that contain entities in a room, and Google Home uses room: … so many things to consider when giving correct and unique names :wink:

Totally… and then throw in as well that Google likes to have reserved words that they change without notice so it’s not easy at times to keep everything working…

Any update on this? Is this feature being tracked on Github?

There really isn’t much you can do with areas at the moment. And I don’t believe anyone in the thread created a feature request.

What are you trying to do, i’m sure there’s a better way to handle it over areas.

hi I’m new to HASS
comming from Vera

the idea for me is t section/group items into “rooms”
this will make it a lot cleaner
right now its a mess as things are all over the place

to me areas is the same thing as vera’s (rooms)
most of my items are imported by Vera
the items don’t show under integrations so i cant apply areas to it
it seems strange to implement a function but not allow it to be selected

are there alternatives?

It’s not 100% complete. Gotta keep in mind that Home assistant is an open source project and new implementations often are not complete.

You can group lights, via a light group. And you can group items via a normal group.

can light also go in a normal group?

Yep, it’s just that a light group will allow you to change the brightness or color of an entire group of lights. A normal group does not have that ability.