Confused on how to link sensor with camera for doorbell

I’m struggling getting a doorbell binary sensor and camera stream linked in Homekit.

I’ve set up 2 accessories, one for the camera stream and one for the doorbell button binary sensor. I’ve also set up a bridge.

The camera stream and 2 sensors show up in the Home app but I don’t know how to link from there.

Also when testing the doorbell, HA sees the binary sensor activating, but not in Homekit. I tried it as an occupancy and motion sensor, and they both don’t register when the doorbell is pressed.

I wasn’t able to add more photos to the original post so is a screenshot of the Home app camera settings

I was able to figure this out. I have a UniFi G4 Pro doorbell and my Apple TV.

First, I deleted all of my previous Homekit stuff in the web interface.

I created a Generic Camera integration with the RTSP stream URL from my doorbell camera. Not sure if this is required, I haven’t tested it without yet.

My doorbell is called front_doorbell and the custom camera is doorbell_camera_stream

Then put this in my config file

# HomeKit configs
  - name: "Home Assistant Bridge"
    port: 21061
        - camera.doorbell_camera_stream
        - binary_sensor.front_doorbell_doorbell
      # Link the "DoorBell" to the camera
        linked_doorbell_sensor: binary_sensor.front_doorbell_doorbell

I rebooted Home Assistant and then got the notification with the QR code to scan. Once I scanned, I tested and it worked right away!