I installed my Midea A/C unit last year and used the HACS add-in to get it up and running. All was well but I had an issue with the unit as it kept dropping off of my network every couple of days. This wasn’t an HA or seemingly network issue as everything else stayed connected (Wifi dongle SK102)
After a lot of hassle I got a new Wifi dongle (SK103) and plugged it in 3 days ago.So, far the unit has stayed connected to my network - so yay!
However, the unit is no longer recognised in HA and is just shown as “Unavailable”, even though I updated the config to the new IP.
I ran the midea-discover command and although it finds the device it says “Found a unsupported ‘0xac at’, id 123, sn 123” - so I’m guessing the change of Wifi dongle means it won’t work with the integration?
I saw there was another Midea integration (@andersonshatch) and installed/configured that.
It now shows that a midea device is connected but none of the buttons work and it doesn’t show the right values, so I’m guessing it’s not actually working.
Any ideas what’s going on here and what is the best route for using an Midea A/C with HA?