Confusion on how to tie hardware with HASS


I’m pretty poorly skilled when it comes to coding and HASS. I’ve picked up a few more NODEMCU ESP8266 boards as well as a few servos. What I want to achieve is a button pressing servo. The thing is I have no idea where to start. I’ve made a relay controlling ESP module before picking up sonoff devices, and that worked great. I’m just really bad and have no idea where to start, and furthermore how to integrate the finished product with hass.

Id really appreciate if someone could lend a hand, that would be awesome!

Esp8266 can be setup for control over mqtt.

Mqtt is communication protocol used often with IOT. Think group messaging. You send message and group receives it, you can specify who message is for.
HA send: “Light/DiningRm_Table/ON”
Switch.DiningRM: turns on and send back “status/light/DiningRm_ON”

All devices may be listening but only lights in house listen for “light”. Only DiningRm light turn ON since it specified in message. HA can see reply and set state based on this


-you create mqtt switch called “switch.DiningRM”
-mqtt switch will send “Light/DiningRm_Table/ON” when “switch.DiningRM” is switched ON. Opposite for switch off
-you esp8266 would need program to ON/OFF based on the mqtt messages and send status messages with any ON/OFF state change
-the same mqtt switch, “switch.DiningRM” , would be setup to listen for state message for esp8266