Confusion on Statistic Card Period Attribute

Dear HA Community,

I am a bit confused on the Period attribute in the Statistic Card. When exactly does ‘day’ begin? 0:00 of the current day or does it cover the last 24 hours ?
Same for year, ist it the last 365 days or starting at 1.1.202x.?

What I am looking for is static values for the current day starting at 0:00 and the last 365 days.

It’s a calendar period, ie, 1 day is from 0:00:00 - 23:59:59.

But it also supports a fixed period of arbitrary duration.

Using fixed period:

type: statistic
entity: sensor.myhouse_kwh
stat_type: change
name: House
    start: "2024-09-21"
    end: "2024-10-21"

But… with input_datetime (helpers) show error:

type: statistic
entity: sensor.myhouse_kwh
stat_type: change
name: House
    start: "{{ states('input_datetime.selected_start')}}"
    end: "{{ states('input_datetime.selected_end')}}"

Y try with:

“{{ states(‘input_datetime.selected_start’)}}”
“{{ states(‘input_datetime.selected_start’ | string)}}”
“{{states(“input_datetime.selected_start”) | as_timestamp() | timestamp_custom(‘%Y-%m-%d’)”

Showing always error:

Invalid datetime specified: {{ states(‘input_datetime.selected_start’}} for dictionary value @ data[‘fixed_period’][‘start_time’]. Got “{{ states(‘input_datetime.factura_inicio’ | string)}}”

Some suggestion?