Connect broadlink RM mini 3 to wifi without the app

Has anyone been able to connect their broadlink rm mini 3 to their wifi without using the app?
The app is pretty much completely broken for me (probably not helped by having android 9 on my phone)

I have been trying to use the following python library but it doesnt seem to work:
I performed a WireShark capture and I dont see any communication going to the RM Mini when running trying to connect :frowning:

Did you ever get it to work. It looks like i’m in the same situation

No, although I can confirm its probably something to do with the wifi security settings on your router. I am using a Xiaomi IR blaster now without issues.

I’ve just used the BroadLink Manager SourceForge and was able to get my Wifi Defined. After that, it was easy to learn the ir-codes and add them to Home-Assistant.

I’ve just now used the above linked Broadlink Manager… There are very few instructions so hopefully this is helpful for someone…

The context to this is a brand new RM Mini 3.

The first thing you want to do is get your device paired. You will need to connect your computer to the wifi network BroadlinkProv. I wasted a lot of time not seeing the network, before deciding to reset the device. After resetting, I immediately saw the network appear.
Connect to that network and hit the ‘Add Device’ button (if we’re honest, I had hit add device BEFORE connecting to the wifi network).

From there, I think I populated the 3 middle boxes, the wifi network I wanted it to go onto, the security mode, and password. I read somewhere on Reddit that it can only be connected to 2.4ghz, but I don’t know that for certain.
Then hit pair!

I think at that point I rejoined my wifi network that I had just added it to, and ‘Rescan wifi’. Then seeing it appear, hit the ‘Add to Devices List’ button.

Exit the add device screen and scan for devices and hopefully it appears for you :slight_smile:

Hopefully that helps someone… the learn command and send command functionality seems to work pretty well from a quick play around, and is fairly straightforward.

Agreed its a crappy app. Have not tested it but I see they have now a new app I thinh named IHC

Interesting. I gave up and went to a Xiaomi IR blaster

Once configured the Broadlink works fine. But yes it can be frustrating at times, crappy app

Its still a crappy app in April 2021 but after another session of persevering tonight I have finally got it configured 3 weeks after purchasing.
However what really scares me is that you must enable Location Access on your mobile device or the app won’t configure it. Then you have to give them your SSID and password. So you might as well say “I’ve left the front door keys under the mat so come round anytime and let yourself in” !
There is no technical reason why they need your location.
Also you can’t change the wifi password afterwards without going through this again.

I didn’t like this with Sonoff devices and was so keen to get them all flashed with Tasmota. I guess there’s no similar option for Broadlink devices, is there?

You don’t seem to understand how a device AP works. You log on to the device AP through a web browser to give the device your network credentials. After that, you are done with the IHC app. When you restart the device it will log on to your LAN.

I don’t hear any similar rants about using an app to set your IP credentials in a camera. You can delete the app after giving the device your network credentials and do everything else from Home Assistant.

If you continue to use the IHC app as designed, then the app needs your location to know which Alexa or Google Assistant server to link to.

It would be nice to be able to hack the Broadlink, but it’s a simple solution in a convenient package. You could do the same using a Wemos D1 Mini and Arduino software.

pretty old post, but sharing regardless as it took me a minute, unlike the regular command where you specify the host type etc, when you are on the provisioning network (e.g. after pressing reset and joining the wifi), you simply execute

 broadlink_cli --joinwifi MySSID MyWifiPassword

You don’t seem to understand how a device AP works.

Device APs do not need your location to work. Broadlink is the only app I have ever seen that forces you to enable location services to complete setup (besides my current health pass). Total BS. They are collecting data on our location and network. Many of us here use HA because we value our privacy.

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broadlink_cli --joinwifi MySSID MyWifiPassword

@ohadlevy Where/how do you use this command?

  1. reset your device, so it has an access point running
  2. join that network from your laptop
  3. run the above command.


Is not easy when you are not a programmer.

For Windows 10

  1. Download and install Python
    Download Python |

  2. Download and extract this in Downloads:

  3. Run in cmd.exe

pip3 install broadlink

  1. Reset your device and a new WIFI SSID will be created: BroadlinkProv
    Connect to this wifi network with your computer.

  2. run this command (put your user):
    cd C:\Users\YOUR_USER\Downloads\python-broadlink-master\cli

  3. Run this command, using your main house SSID and WIFI password

python3 broadlink_cli --joinwifi YOUR_WIFI_NAME YOUR_WIFI_PASS

It should learn about your home WIFI and connect to the network
Use your router interface to identify the IP and setup as a fixed IP for the future.

I just went through this with a new RMMINI, tired of it asking for precise location and being a crummy app. A couple notes I would add to the above:

  • Make sure that the BroadlinkProv is the only network you connect to. I found that all of this fails if you have an ethernet connection and a wifi and try to just do this all under the wifi, the ethernet must be disabled (or it did in my case), likely because it was my default route out
  • After you connect, if you want to lock in the IP address before it ever connects to your network (I do this so I can block all attempts to send information over the Internet) then run arp -a and get the MAC address for, and do this before you run the script for it to join your wifi

Otherwise what’s above is spot-on.