Connect CSI camera to HA OS installed on R.Pi3 B+?

Hello all,
So, I used “Raspberry Pi imager” to install HA OS on a microSD, shortly after I connected a camera to the RPI CSI interface. I then installed the MotionEye app, but I could not get it to work as it was unable to find the camera. No surprise there as the camera usually makes a clicking noise when booting up, I learned this when I tested the MotionEye OS on the same device, worked instant and flawlessly.

It seems to me that most DIY guides tells you have to connect and make use of camera streams, like from other Pi zeroes to HA, but none that fits my needs.
Anyone got any ideas?

I know I can probably get this to work if I install HA installed differently on my Pi, like in a container maybe. But this seems impractical for a number of reasons