I need your help please. Please bear with me, I’ve only been using the HA for 2 days and sorry for my English, I wrote the text with Google Tranlaste. I downloaded and successfully installed Xaomi MIoT and Xiaomi Vacuum Map Card. I have a Dreame D9 vacuum robot and whenever I want to clean a zone I get an error message: Error calling the xiaomi_miio/vaccum_clean_zone service. Service not found. Now I found out that I have to replace or insert a few lines of code ‘Xiaomi MIoT configs · Discussion #406 · PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card · GitHub’. Unfortunately I don’t know where and I hope one of you can help me. I hope that’s enough to get my vacuum cleaner robot up and running.
When I configure lovelace card with vacuum map card, I obtain the next error:
missed comma between flow collection entries (2:2)
1 | {# ----------------- PROVIDE YOUR …
2 | {% set camera_entity = "camera.ch …
3 | {% set vacuum_entity = "vacuum.ch …
4 | {# ------------------- DO NOT CHA …
Do you know what happens?
I use the next code
EDIT: this code is for template zone in HA
{# ----------------- PROVIDE YOUR OWN ENTITY IDS HERE ----------------- #}
{% set camera_entity = "camera.charini_map" %}
{% set vacuum_entity = "vacuum.charini" %}
{# ------------------- DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW ------------------- #}
{% set attributes = states[camera_entity].attributes %}
type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
vacuum_platform: default
entity: {{ vacuum_entity }}
camera: {{ camera_entity }}