I wonder if in configuration.yaml I can add another MQTT connection to another MQTT server?
I have already one install on HA that I use with Zigbee2MQTT but I like to use another MQTT server to do some test.
HA can only connect to 1 MQTT broker, you can however bridge 2 mqtt brokers and decide what they sync.
Hi and thanks, with that page you gave me make it easy to search and did find this
MQTT Broker Bridge to HiveMQ Cloud - Configuration - Home Assistant Community
what I can see in the log it is ok but not sure.
When i add the mqtt in the Automations it does not show anything
I know the connector from MQTT and Agent DVR works when I run a client but is this wrong??
action: mqtt.publish
metadata: {}
evaluate_payload: false
qos: "1"
retain: false
topic: agentdvr/commands
payload: cmd=detect&ot=2&oid=6
Hi is me again
I think I have got the bridge to work, I do not see any error in the log but not sure.
I have connect to HiveMQ Cloud MQTT but I do not see any value in the HiveMQ Web client.
So my question is, if I for example want to send temperature value from one of my sensor to HiveMQ Cloud. How can I do that?
I just want to see if I can send information from HA to the cloud.