Greetings all. I am looking for some assistance getting multiple AC Infinity Cloudline S6 fans connected to a single esp32. I get them wired and they turn on. However, when they are at “full speed” it’s only about 1/2 of the true full speed.
I was able to get them working (how properly I don’t know) using one of these temporarily. It stopped connecting to my network. I replaced the 8285 on that board with a 8266. Haven’t tried to re-connect it to that module yet.
For the wiring, I had the esp32 powered via USB, the ground from the fan controllers all grounded to the esp and each pwm channel on various pins. On the other module it was the same with the exception of the power. That one was powered by a 12v 1.5A barrel jack.
I want them on a esp32 because it has hardware pwm vs software pwm like the 8266.
What am I doing wrong? Any help and suggestions are appreciated
Thank you for the link. I had come across that before but didn’t look too much into it as it was confusing for me at the time. I will have to look into it further. I will post updates if I make progress
I haven’t got my head around 0-10v thing, which the link refers to. But I have seen it referred to on this forum a few times.
I am not even sure that the post I linked to correctly identifies that these are 0-10v devices.
A 0-10v device accepts a voltage in that range to govern speed. Supply it with 10v and it will be at maximum speed, supply 5v it will be at 50% of maximum, etc.
You can get devices that take a PWM signal input and output a 0-10v level, which you attach to your fan. The PWM signal is easily produced and controlled by a microcontroller like a ESP.
So when the Cloudline docs say that their controller takes a PWM signal, it doesn’t say what it outputs to the fan.
I am currently attempting to wire an esp32 using the LEDgardener post as a guide. My limited trials have had minimal success. I wire things up mostly per the description in the 4th post. The difference between the wiring is the lowest resistor I have available is a 10 ohm not a 2.2.
My fan turns on and will go to full speed but now it won’t shut off. Do you think this could be an issue with the resistor difference?
I have a solution that works for my purpose. As mentioned in the original post, I replaced the 8285 in the Athom RGB LED controller with a 8266. I decided to connect it to the fans and it worked without issue. The reason I chose to upgrade to an ESP32 was for the hardware PWM on the ESP32. I decided to try using some IRF510 MOSFETs and I now have full speed control.
I connected the GPIO to the gate pin (far left), PWM of the fan to the drain pin (center), and grounds to the source (far right). I then daisy chained the grounds and it has been running without issue for about 2 weeks now.
I hope this helps anyone that has similar problems