Connect SmartHome integration

Purchased a smart Bulb from Harvey Norman today made by Laser “Connect SmartHome”.

As it was only $14 I thought I’d give it a go. Works with Google assistance, however I’m wondering if anyone has had any success getting them integrated into Home Assistant.


You did it back to front. Check the integrations page first then buy.

Fortunately you got lucky. Laserco smart stuff uses the Tuya platform.

So you can use the Home Assistant integration: Tuya - Home Assistant

Which is a cloud polling integration. i.e. if you lose internet - you lose control of the light.

Or you can try using Tuya Convert to put third party firmware on the light that works with home assistant locally (like ESPhome or Tasmota).

Check this thread, someone may have already done it and they like reports of Australian certified stuff that can be used locally or upgraded to do so:

Cheers Tom,

Exactly the reply I was hoping for. I had forgotten the name “tuya”. Will be putting ESPHome on it for sure.

Thanks again.

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Did you manage to get them working in HA, want to confirm before I buy some. How did you get working

So this is the same as this one just got tasmota on it today and is on special until the 9/02 I think.

This is the one with Temperature & Humidity Sensors I haven’t flashed it yet.

Yes got them to work using tuya-convert on a raspberry pi

I’d be interested to see what pin the DHT sensor is tied to. Flashed mine today using the tasmota-ir few.

I tried the one with Temperature & Humidity Sensor today but it didn’t work after it backed up the org firmware and flashed tasmota it is just stuck with a ESP-XXXX wifi network and now nothing.

Maybe entered wrong wifi credentials?

Didn’t get that far as it said it worked but got this

Flashed successfully in 7564ms, rebooting…

then the esp-XXXX wifi then nothing

All I’ve found out so far is that this board has a SHT30 chip for sensing Temp and Humidity. SHT30 uses I2C Bus which I have no idea how to configure in Tasmota along side the ir features.

If anyone can help with this, that’d be great.

Cannot fond an ESP8266 chip on the board either, however I’ve managed to flash Tasmota to it anyway.

Image of Chip identification

Had any success getting Tasmota up and running on this sensor?

Mine is working fine on Tasmota just have no idea of the GPIO’s