Connect Snmp UPS

Hi everyone

I’m having some difficulty connecting my UPS via SNMP.

I put this config in Hassio and it gives an error, is something wrong?


- platform: snmp
  version: 2c
  community: public
  baseoid: .
  unit_of_measurement: “°C”
  name: “UPS battery temperature”

- platform: snmp
  version: 2c
  community: public
  baseoid: .
  unit_of_measurement: “V”
  name: “UPS battery Voltage”

Error: This config above is the ups.yaml

I can access SNMP and see the UPS values on the PC, so it is accessible via the network because it is connected via network (Host I put the UPS IP)

Can someone give a hand?

Thank you Skydoy

Quote all string values see if it helps.

1 Like

It works now thanks

Looked into NUT?

Hi its not available for my ups