I live in an apartment that has a smart meter installed. The problem is that the smart is not that smart and it runs on its own network. The meter device has an ethernet port that, if I plug a computer and set an IP on the same range (172.16.0.*), I can pull data out from it. So, is it possible to set hassio’s wifi to one network and use the ethernet port for the other network?
I can easily do it from windows and Ubuntu, but I’m new to hass.io and this is very confusing to me. I’m SSHing into Hass.io, but I can’t find /etc/network/interfaces… I can see eth0 on ifconfig, but I can’t see a way to set it’s IP address…
Thanks! I’ve been trying to configure both devices, but no luck so far. I believe the problem is due to the fact I have two IPV4 secionts, but I can’t see a way to specify an IPV4 for each connections. Any thoughts?