Connect via cloud

I have NabuCasa account and integrated with HA. When I use the android app, I still have my local ip. How do I tell the app to use the cloud address or I just need copy the address from the integration screen and paste into the mobile app configuration?

If it’s like the iOS app, there’s literally a switch called “Connect via Cloud” that you turn on to enable Nabu Casa remote access.

Yeah. You can enable to connect locally while home.

where I can find this switch in the Android app?

If you setup the app on the local IP then you will need to update the URLs under App Configuration in the sidebar. In there you can add you home SSID and the internal IP to have the app switch as needed.

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My Android app does not show the App configuration on the side bar…
Is there a new way, after all the updates, on how to get this to work? Mine does not want to work, even when I switch the cloud option on… Would be great if somebody could actually do a step by step here with the current versions…

App configuration is in the Settings pane if you can view settings.

That was quick, yes can get to settings, but no option to enter a url

All I get is Nabucasa account where it says I am connected, but cannot get the ap to work via 4G

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Companion App (purple), this should show up
  3. Click on the server, you can now edit Connection Information

Thanks, what do I enter where? Sorry absolutely new to HA

Do I add the nabucasa URL under the internal connection URL??

Nabu Casa is external to your network, so it should go in external.

Like this?

If I click on the Home assistant url, it shows me a switch, so I either use the nabucasa url, or it switches to just use cloud. WHich one should I use? just cloud, or enter the nabucasa url?

Using Cloud just means it automatically receives your Nabu Casa URL.

Thanks Kendell, you are a star! It finally works!!!