Connect Z-Rain to HA

I just got a new popp z-rain sensor and a new UZB dongle. I run HA on a raspberrypi, but not the OS version just as a service. As described in the documentation of the Z-Wave integration, i could not use the integrated z-wave server directly, so i set up it manually on the raspberrypi (zwave-js-ui). I did the minimal configuration and was able to connect to HA. Now the dongle appears in my devices and I can start the integration mode of the server. But when I try to connect the z-rain, nothing happens… I already set the loglevel of the server to “silly” but nothing appears (just start and stop of integration mode).
Is there anything I forgot? Or can I test if the z-rain is working correctly?
Thanks a lot!

Looks to me that the device uses the EU frequency. Is your dongle EU?

Hi PeteRange,
i have the following version of UZB:

  • ZMEEUZB: Version for all frequencies around 868 MHz (EU, Russia, India, China — default is EU).

Is this a problem?
The z-rain should also use the EU frequency:



  • EU-Frequenz: 868,42 MHz

@PeteRage or all others :smiley: any further ideas?

You have it on an extension cable?

no, it is directly attached to the rasperrypi

That’s not going to work. You have to use an extension cable to get it away from the electrical inteference of the PI.

I added a extension cable, but it is still not working. The dongle is flashing (think it shows that the search is started), but it does not find the sensor. I tried to place the sensor directly by the dongle, still not found.

Is there maybe any way to proove that the z-rain even tries to find a base? There is no led or anything, I just press a button and hope, that it works.