Hi there,

I have running my zwave network for years on another platform. Since a couple of weeks i swtichted to home automation and my final step of my configuration is adding my Zwave devices.

I plugged in the usb stick, did the configuration as described in the documentation:

But i cannot start my zwave network.
As i said, i did not do anything with my zwave devices for years, just let it run, so i don;t know for sure if i need to remove the devices first, or need to set the usb to import mode??
Can someon pleas give me a little help with this?

kind regards,

ok, i am a step further now.

I did see that the device was not recognized correctly, this was solved by adding a USB 2 swtich in between.
No i need to add buttons for my shutter.

I recently moved my Aeotec Z-wave stick to new hardware, and I just unplugged it from the old, and plugged it into the new. So there should be no issues with doing that.

The only thing that immediately comes to mind is if the usb_path has changed on the new hardware. I set mine up using the UUID instead of the USB path because of issues like this (upon reboot, sometimes it would switch the USB path of my Z-wave and ZigBee sticks).

Assuming you’re on a linux system, you should be able to use

ls -lha /dev/serial/by-id/

to get the UUID of your USB stick. Something like:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 May  4 15:48 usb-6658_0245-ph30 -> ../../ttyACM1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 May  4 15:48 usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE7639315-qr23 -> ../../ttyACM0

If you then use this in your config instead of /dev/ttyACM0 (or whatever you have for your z-wave stick), that should circumvent any changes that can happen when using a new computer, rebooting the computer (if you have multiple devices that would mount to /dev/tty*).

Just remember to use the full path, so something like:

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Thanks for the tip, i have my zwave working now.

If someone has tips how i can see simple bar of the actual shutter status in a graphic up/down/half down, etc.