Connected PM10/PM2.5 sensor

Does anyone know of a PM10/PM2.5 sensor that I could connect with Zigbee protocol and that would work with Home Asssistant ? I couldn’t find anything.

I’d like to monitor the air quality coming from my VMC.


Same here, very interested on this too

This looks like a Z-Wave one for some world regions.

and a Zigbee one from Malaysia

thank you for these links.

The second one seems dodgy (doesn’t even use https) and no price is displayed. Have you ordered from them before ?

the first one however looks interesting. It’s not zigbee and i’ll have to purchase an extra hub for zwave but i guess taht should not be too much of problem. I’ll consider this one if i can’t find a zigbee device.

No, I just searched on Google.

For the one you suggested, look at my Issue. There are several secure options mentioned for that.