This looks like a great idea to add to HA.
But an question. I will be able next week to add the communication with the app because the have to built in de module in my car.
It’s a new Seat.
But I see that were talking about the mind mobility. Do I need an Mind account or can I also use my seat account?
I have a Seat with “Mijn Seat” app.
Running HA in a docker. Where should I place those files? and then in the configuration.yaml I can add the below lines?
I would suggest you look into using HACS to install the custom component.
That makes things easy for you, and after installing the mind component you can add the lines to your configuration.yaml, make sure to use the proper indentations.
Thanks so much! it all works like a charm and the Seat data is accurate en already love the HACS since I am a noob in coding.
When installing it let me choose to go for themes. It said it was deprecated. Can I still use that?
Is there any easy way to translate the sensor names? for me it shows (in HA) for example:
Licenseplate - Locked: Gesloten
Licenseplate - Ignition: Uit
Licenseplace - Parking brake: Veilig
I would like to translate this to Dutch so instead of “Licenseplate - Locked” I would like to call it “Op slot” for example.
Is anyone else having trouble setting up the device tracker? I can see the binary sensors with the correct car data, but the device tracker is not showing up. Any advice? I’m using the SEAT client id/secret.
Hi @Bram_Kragten, Thank you for this integration. Took me some time to get it working, but now I have the data of my new Golf nicely in Home Assistant.
Was wondering though, the we-connect app shows me a few more things than this integration does. Is there a possibility to add for example ‘windows closed’ and ‘panoramaroof closed’?
Also, I can unlock/lock the doors from a distance, but I also have ‘blink’ and ‘blink+claxon’ actions in the VW app.
And last questions, is it possible to show the remaining fuel in KM instead of percentage? Or is this how the VW app just translates this value?
Hi Bram,
Cool, thanks for the update. Luckily the rest still works
I do have the VW We Connect app, and that actually does allow me to do a few things like lock/unlock and blink the lights.