ConnectedRoom: Sync lights with any sports, Scoreboards, Text-to-speech and more


I am developing a product that sync smart lights and smart devices to sports for 5 years now. It’s called ConnectedRoom.

I decided to bring it to Home Assistant by creating an integration.

Here is what the integration can do:

  • Sync lights to colors of the scoring team
  • Text-to-speech any media player when there is a goal, when game starts and ends, and when period starts and ends.
  • Play a goal horn when the home team scores (NHL only as of now)
  • Create more complex automations with events: game_start, game_end, period_start, period_end, goal

To see more example of the integration in action, you can take a look at my TikTok.

Here are the supported leagues:

  • NHL
  • NFL
  • MLS
  • Premier League
  • Liga MX
  • Bundesliga

You can also create scoreboards from within ConnectedRoom (not Home Assistant), but if my integration gets some kind of popularity, I could invest some time to make the scoreboards feature part of the integration. The goal would be to be able to cast the scoreboards from within Home Assistant. Also the ability to cast them after a condition or trigger from Home Assistant.

It comes with a Test Mode in which you can trigger goals from the previous game played by the selected team. It is useful to test your automations without waiting for actual games.

Once you are happy with what you’ve configured, you can go Live to enable events in real-time, from current games.

My product is a subscription-based service, as I want to guarantee always up servers, support every leagues when there are API changes, add new features, and make it an easy out-of-the-box experience that works with what you already have.

By signing up, you get a 3-games free trial to test it out in real time.

The integration is not yet in any repository and I am working to put it in HACS.

For now, it can be installed using a custom repo on HACS pointing here: GitHub - glaliberte/connected-room-hass: ConnectedRoom allows you to sync Home Assistant to Sports

I also had a well formatted post with images, but since I am a new user, I cannot post it.

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good luck to you

Thanks! I appreciate it!

The subscription helps to pay for many things, but the main ones are:

  • Data provider / partners
  • Server costs
  • Time of development

To ensure always up and fast reaction time to games, I rely on data provider that are not always free.

The bigger the scale, the more I need to stay away from free providers, and the bigger the server costs.

I also want to add more leagues and sports and it has potential of breaking the more features it has.

sorry wish you the best, thats a no for me though!


I tried your app this past week with the Edmonton Oilers. I loved the concept and I think the price is reasonable if it works. I found it didn’t work well enough for the price.

I’m happy to detail out the concerns I have if you’d like. I am sure you can find my contact information in your records. Feel free to reach out to discuss. I think you’ve got something here, just needs to work better if you’re going to charge.

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Hi Damien,

Thanks for the feedback. It’s very appreciated.

I replied to your email.

I am constantly working to make the product better. I understand the concerns you’re bringing.

In the last 5 months, many things have been improved and many leagues have been added, many new scoreboard features, lots of infrastructure change.

And there is a lot more to come.