Connecting camera v380pro K9 to HA

Hi, I was gifted this cute cat shaped camera that pairs with the v380pro app and was wondering if I could have it working with HA.

Bear in mind I’m fairly new to HA so I’m navigating off of what i can understand from the forums. I’ve tried everything in this thread already but I can’t seem to make it work.
The update file doesn’t seem to have any effect, the .ini neither. Can’t even get the feed from the camera in VLC. In the v380pro android app I can get the feed just fine. I do not have the option to turn on rtsp in the app even with the update and the .ini edits. i haven’t created any password+username combo for the camera (was never asked for it by the app) so i assume there’s none.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to try to get it work? or do you think this camera can’t work with HA?