Connecting Eneco Toon to Home Assistant

I have been trying to re connect Toon to Home Assistant for a couple of months now but i still haven’t made it work. I have been following the steps from the integrations page,
1. making an app on the Toon API page
2. Filling the Callback URL with http://:8123/redirect/oauth
3. Placing the client_id: and client_secret: in my configuration.yaml
4. Restart Home Assistant
5. Adding the integration from the new discovered popup
6. manually replacing the “” tekst to the same local IP from the
Callback URL in the page URL

Sometimes i get a login screen from Eneco but after i login i get a message that it can’t make a safe connection or my Home Assistant instance doesn’t react. After a couple of tries i get a 404 not found error in the browser.

If have tried to use port forwarding the raspberry pi and use that as callback url but that doesn’t work. The Nabu Casa external url doesn’t work either… I am probably doing something wrong but i do not know what. Does anybody else see what i can do beter or do wrong?

root it :grin:

It would be a pretty radical solution for the problem gheghe. But if I dont get It to work I can always consider it!

Well, i can’t see, how your config is. But, I can definitelly say, that here it works fine with callback url

There are plenty people offering a pre-rooted toon; if you are located in the Netherlands, check marktplaats :grin:
It also possible to have your own toon rooted by them :wink:

Dit you use a url that Connects to home assistant from outside your network It did you use an internal ip adres in your callback url?

When I use a internal ip adres It is not a https conection and that seems to be required for It to work. :pensive:

But then you lose some sensors like gas/electric cost?

Nope (that was the whole point, I refuse to pay subscription for something I can host myself :face_with_raised_eyebrow: )
I bought a second hand Toon1, complete with sensors for €25,- (I used a dumb thermostat before), rooted it myself (nothing ventured, nothing gained, but then again, I am an ITC/electronic engineer, so quite confortable with that, and otherwise, too bad for the €25,- :wink: )

I did use exactly, what I typed above here.


i have tried so many thing with the callback url. From in/external ip adreses to vpn connections. I have made multiple new apps at Eneco but it never worked… Until i just used the https:/ you suggested. And the worst thing is that it is exactly the thing the integration page said… But i thought that my.home-assistant meant that you needed to place your own Home assistant url in there. I can’t believe how many hours i wasted for such a simple solution. :sweat_smile:

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So, I assume, you got it up and running?

It took a while but it is working now! :grinning:


Hello , please help… what dit you do to get it working. What redirection url are you using ? Can you logon from an external loction to your HA or only local. I am stuck! :slightly_frowning_face:

This is what I filled in in my callback url. And after that it worked flawless.

Hi all,

I’m trying to connect my Boxx (Toon but in Belgium).
Should be working with Boxx too.

I made an Develop account on Toon and HA found the new Toon integration.

When I want to configure the integration, I get this error:
{"fault":{"faultstring":"Invalid ApiKey","detail":{"errorcode":"oauth.v2.InvalidApiKey"}}}

Anyone has an idea what I’m doing wrong?

Didn’t copy the whole key :roll_eyes:

When trying to connect the toon via Engie/Electrabel. I get through to the Engie login page and then the prompt to link account to home assistant (with my local ip filled in).
However when being redirected back to HA I get the following empty message


Anyone has an idea on how to proceed?

Hey guys,

I’ve done everything the same way as Ricardo (including creating the app in ToonAPI). I cannot get home assist to recognise the integration. I think it has something to do with the configuration.yaml file, even though I’ve checked that multiple times. I’ve also set the call back url to “”

Any way you could help me out?

Did you add the toon: to your configuration file? Like it did below.


Hi all,

I think I’m trying to succeed in the same thing, I think, but without result. I hope I might find some help here.
I have a rooted Toonv2.
I have HA installed on the Toon via ToonStore.
I created a long-time key in HA.
I pasted the long-time key in the file “homeassistant.token.text”

I connect to HA based on https from DuckDNS.

It seems the Toon can’t connect to HA, probably because of the username and password. I read something about API status and API password but I don’t know how to implement this in the configuration.yaml file in HA.
I’m relative new to HA since I 'm migrating from Domoticz to HA.
Is there somewhere something as an instruction which I can follow to get this done?
I followed these steps:, created an API account en crerated an API APP.
When I go to configure in HA foor TOON and I select Eneco Toon (after I added the client Id and client secret to config.yaml) I end up on the login page of Eneco.

The only thing I want is to control my switches from the Toonv2 based on HA.

Thanks for your support!