Connecting Homematic IP and how to use it?

Hey there
10 minutes ago I bought an Intel NUC to get ready with Home Asisst.
So far I#m using some Homematic IP devices and some Fritz adapters.
For me everything is fine with the Homematic app.
Now I want to include some photovoltaic features (Solar Edge) and get things like
if I have enough power feed to grid, turn on a heater, or sth. else.
Not possible with Homematic App anymore.

If I have set my Home Assistant up and everything is fine I wonder how to use my “old” Homematic automations. I saw there is a stick out Homemaitc IP USB Stick, which enables my home assistant to communicate with my Homematip IP devices directly (without the IP Gateway).
Should I use this? Or is the usage of Homematic Cloud also fine?
And if i Use the Stick or the cloud, where its better to create automatisms?
Such as “if i press this button turn the light on”. Let it in Homematic Cloud or should I switch it to my Home Assistant?

So :slight_smile:
well … for the beginning, I would recommend to use the Homematic IP integration which is using the Cloud API from Homematic.
To get the USB Stick working, you need to setup another System such as the “Raspberry Matic” - which is a Homematic CCU.
With this, the Homematic IP App will no longer work in your Setup!

All automations which you have created in your Homematic IP App will still be available and working.

Photovoltaik recommendet:

For Homematic IP - I would also recommend to use the Homematic (IP) Integration which is available on HACS… But I am not 100% sure, if this is only working with the CCU / Raspberry Matic or even with the Cloud Integration… :wink:

Hey Christoph
Thanks for your answer and the solar Edge links :o)
I wanted to use Homematic IP integration on my Home Assistant first, because I then can keep using my app. In this time I can get familiar with my Home Assistant and get other things done (Solar Edge integration, Fritz integration, and so on) while everything works as it does now.

But in future I suppose to get some struggle with Homematic.
Isn’t it confusing if I have some automatisations in my HomeAssistant and some others in Homematic?
I mean if I press a Homematic button for usage with Homematic devices I find it Homematic.
If I use a Fritz Button to start or stop a Homematic Plug I use HomeAssistant automatisation.
Wouldn’t it be easier (on the long term) to find all automatisations on the same place?

it really depends :slight_smile:
For now - I would use the Homematic IP Cloud based integration, just as you planned to do.
Keep your existing automations within the Homematic AP, because the Cloud API is a bit limited… and with too many automations in your HomeAssistant you might run into issues here.
Keep the Automations in Homematic, especially with devices that are using other Homematic Devices.

When it comes to communicate with other Hardware, like Fritz Smart devices, then use HomeAssistant.

A reason, why I’ve moved away from the Homematic IP App - and using the Homematic CCU (RaspberryMatic) was - to get rid of the API Limitations and because I wanted to use some Homematic devices that are currently not available as Homematic IP devices, and therefore could not be used with the AP and Cloudservice.
But even with this, I am using options from homematic, such as “direct communication” for example between the Window / Door Sensors and the Thermostats… I don’t need an automation in HomeAssistant, if Homematic can communicate directly between these devices.

Also, I am using SOME (not many) automation / programs directly within the Homematic CCU, rather than creating them in HomeAssistant.
Right now, this is a case for my smoke detectors.

It was easier to access the specific alarm type within homematic than getting this in HomeAssistant - but it should be possible to do in HomeAssistant as well.

the benefit in case of the CCU - you can create variables inside the CCU - and then, use these again in HomeAssistant, to do other actions or trigger additional devices / automations.

And since I am using HomeAssistant with the companion app and can Access my installation remotely, I don’t need the Homematic App in particular.

The benefit is:
You can move everything in a speed you like.
You can keep existing automations - as long as they are working fine… and move them, when it might be required to add or change something…

BUT: When switching from the Cloud to the CCU… you have to setup every device again… that’s the downside…

Thanks for your explanation. It realy helps a bit get get rid of my beginners fear".
So I’ll do it exact the same way as you. Because I want to have some devices I can’t use because it isn’t an IP device.
So I’ll set everything up and I’ve I’m fine in using my HomeAssistant ill take an eye of RasperryMatic.

So far, really thanks a lot :o)

welcome :slight_smile:
If you do have some further questions, don’t hesitate to contact me directly via PM … ( I think, discussing some parts related to raspberrymatic and homematic might be easier in german :wink: )

It’s kinda hard to get this USB Stick needed for Rasperrymatic.
But Im sure Ill come back to this offer in the future.
Thanks a lot!