Connecting Lenovo ipcam to home assistant

Hi all,
I bought an IPCam Lenovo JA-F10R-U (same as X5Q-U) from Aliexpress and try to connect it at Home Assistant with no success.
I use the Joolink app to access the cam with my smartphone,
I tried with ONVIF, the cam is detect but it ask for a login and password, the only login and password I have is the ones I created for the Joolink account and the connection fail with ONVIF.
I don’t know if this cam support RTSP.

Any help is welcome !

Thanks in advance,

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I have the same problem as you, did you find any solution??

Same here… let me know if you guys found any solution!

Hi all,
I will share my findings:

RTSP from the camera can be configured as follows:


  • platform: ffmpeg
    name: CAM1
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://IPADDRESS:5540/live/ch0
  • platform: ffmpeg
    name: CAM2
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://IPADDRESS:5540/live/ch1

Channel 0 has higher quality than channel 1

Lovelace picture-glance card:

camera_view: live
type: picture-glance
entities: []
camera_image: camera.cam2

The camera is using codec h.265… this codec is supported on safary browser (it is working perfectly if you use IPhone) but not natively on chrome.
Launching chrome with the parameter --enable-features=PlatformHEVCDecoderSupport I was able to make it appear but was not working with camera_view: live. I’m only able to see it with camera_view: auto.

Home assistant ONVIF integration
I was not able to use ONVIF integration to add the camera, the process always fails with an error. Contacted the seller and he told me no username or password were required.
So, if someone finds out how to do it, please let me know.

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Thanks for sharing your settings, I will test them as soon as possible.

Thank you for this, I can confirm it works for me!
I would like to know if there is any possibility to move the camera from the card. Any suggestions??
I also have other cameras and the only solution is to use the main camera app to change the position.

FYI I have also configured ir using Motioneye, the link I used is the following:
rtsp://CAMERA IP:5540/live/ch0

Thank you!!

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Hi guys! For those still struggling to set up this type of camera (btw, the real name is Jooan, not Lenovo, that made me waste a lot of time), I did it by this website:

You have to find the model and click on the number in the first column. It will open a box where you can generate the correct URL for that particular model. Then, just follow the steps to config as a generic camera. In my case, I used TCP as the protocol, and without login and password.

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Hello everyone I bought the IP camera Lenovo X5Q-U the same JA-F10R-U from Aliexpress. I was looking for how put it to work as a Live view camera and I got it, Check out the video. I hope that you could understand my english lol.
Live view Lenovo X5Q-U / JA-F10R-U

Nice video Roger but you do not explain how access to the web page of this camera ?
What is the initial password of the admin User ?
Thank’s for help…

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default user/pwd: admin/admin123

Did anyone connect the camera on ONVIF?
I working with rstp ,but Onvif doesn’t work in HA, so no option to get the motion sensor and control the PTZ