Connecting Xiaomi Roborock S6

May I ask why you did not using this token tool?


Thank for this link, its saved me alot of hard work, without an android device nearby

Given all of the changes from when you first posted, have you created a step by step guide to how you connected, configured and manage your RoboRock S6 through Home Assistant?

OH, I just saw. @PetrosKalogeras did a video walking through it all! Giving it a go now!

LEGEND! This worked perfectly to bring our Roborock into HA

This looks like what I am looking for. If so, many thanks in advance!

I just want to make sure:

  • Can the Roborock be paired with the official Roborock at the same time on the phone, or is it then linked to the Xiamo service? (ie you cannot use it with the Roborock app on your phone anylonger).

That was the case when I tried to integrate my Roborock with my Homey system before switching over to HA.

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