Connection deconz with Xiaomi Cube


I’m facing the following problem.

I have configurared deCONZ with ConBee II usb steek and I was able to integrate the Xiaomi Cube with it and configura some automations.

All worked fine for a day, but it did stop to work after the upgrade of home assistant from 0.116.2 to 0.116.4.

Now I’m not able to reconnect again the Cube and not shure how troubleshut the issue.

Some information on my installation:

Home assiatnat: 0.116.4
HassOS 4.14
deCONZ: 6.4.0
ConBeeII firmware 26660700


On home assistant I was able to integrate another zigbee switch (hue tap switch), but no way to integrate the cube.

I have also installed the ConBee II on a windows system and the results are identical.

It seams that I’m not able to reset the Cube to be paired again.

Someone has facing the same issue?