Connection Problem

Ok, i tested these 3 adresses. and all are responding.

Did you setup everything from scratch or just replaced the content in your configuration.yaml?

This. You’re telling a person that isn’t all that intimate with networking to ping I have seen some people take that literally. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then your NAS can communicate with the network. Let’s go a step further and get into the Docker container.

There should be a way to get into the console of the docker container from the GUI, or we can start doing some commands over SSH. :stuck_out_tongue:

Once inside the docker container console, try to ping those same IP addresses.

How is your docker container configured? Do you have the --net=host set?

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I test with Ă  simple config file.
it doesn’t work.
After that i removed the container and install a new one from scratch.
And it doesn’t work

But you were still pointing to your config directory? You have a hidden folder called .storage that contains a bunch of integration information. If you have something messed up in there, it could cause issues too. Try with a clean directory somewhere.

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How can i go inside the docker with ssh?

docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash

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Yeah, along with “but there is no ‘Ctrl-Alt-Delete’ key” :rofl:


As a new member i had to wait 20 h. to send this response.
During that time, i resolved the problem.
I had to reinstall the docker application itself and after that re create the container.

I thank you all for your help. I learned new stuff.
We can close that topic.