Connection Problems Philips Hue Motion Sensor with SkyConnect & ZHA

I am currently moving from the Philips Hue Bridge to the SkyConnect.
80 Hue lights were connected without any problems and react perfectly via the dashboard and automations. I am using ZHA integration.

Then I moved 4 motion sensors and they are driving me crazy.

At the latest half a day after pairing, 3 of the 4 sensors lose the connection and cannot be reached.
I feel like I’ve already seen all the troubleshooting blogs and videos on this. None of it helps.

  • The batteries are all new.
  • The SkyConnect is connected with a USB extension.
  • I have paired the motion sensors from the location where they are supposed to work*1.

Additional information:

*1 The first time I paired them at a central location and later moved them to their working location. However, I deleted all 4 again in HA and then paired them from the work location as I said.

At their locations, the motion sensors are a maximum of 2 meters away from the nearest Hue bulbs.

I have a total of 3 Hue Bridges (due to the limit of 67 devices). So far, I’ve only moved one, which no longer has any devices. The other two are still running with many more Hue bulbs and 10 more motion sensors.

When the 4 motion sensors were once connected to SkyConnect, I noticed in the network map that some seemed to have only established a single red connection to the Coordidator and not to a nearby bulb. One, however, had a good connection to a nearby bulb. But this has also been lost again this afternoon.

The motion detectors that are connected via the Hue Bridge and the Hue integration work perfectly.

I don’t know what to do. I also don’t want to throw away 14 Hue motion detectors and replace them with something else.

What am I doing wrong?

I was having the same issues. I used the workaround in this Github Issue comment and the motion sensors have been solid and reliable for a few days now.

I did exactly the same as you – migrated from the Hue hub to Skyconnect, only because I wanted to add radiator thermostat valves to the Zigbee network, and that isn’t a Philips thing.

Apparently this is a known issue with the motion sensors - they disconnect and try to join the network again as a new device. The workaround is solid for me too.

Thanks for pointing me to the Github issue. So I don’t have to mess around with this no longer.

As the problem is still pending, I don’t have hope that this can be solved. And I don’t want to open a backdoor in my system.

So I think I have to replace the Hue motion sensors. Maybe with the HomeMatic once or I will have a look to ESPhome.