Hi Home Assistant community,
I’m quite new to this and this is my first post so please be kind if this is not the right section to ask.
The problem in short words: I can add my smart bulb and make it on and off but I cannot change colours.
I would like to add a new smart bulb to my home assistant + zigbee. The smart bulb I bought on Aliexpress (see link: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005002554606128.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2deu&spm=a2g0o.9042311.0.0.7b384c4dvpd1Lu).
I can add the smart bulb via zigbee (ZHA) and I am able to change colours of the bulb in the Dashboard.
But in the automation I’m only able to change the status to on/off and set it to blinking. But I would like to change colours also in the automation like when x happens then set it to green.
Connected device: ZB-CL01 of eWeLight
from the zigbee signature:
“manufacturer”: “eWeLight”,
“model”: “ZB-CL01”,
“class”: “zigpy.device.Device”
Do you have any idea how I could change the colour?