Seems consider_home does not work for bluetooth tracking, is this working as intended?
the reason I ask is because I try to setup bluetooth tracking, but unfortunately when we go to the second floor, in 1 room the phones cant reach the raspberry pi and therefore is changed to not_home.
And if the person goes downstairs again, it will start the radio because the radio starts as soon as a person comes home.
I considered using iCloud tracking, but that is way to slow I would like it to be instant. (we have iPhones so its not possible to do any ping or ip related tracking)
@p0nts I’ve created a PR to replace the default tracker. It has dynamic intervals for each individual device instead of a fixed interval for all devices linked to one account. The interval is based on the state of the device_tracker entity (in a known zone or not), the distance towards home and the battery level.
It also adds 3 new services:
@p0nts you’ll need the dev version first before you can use my version. I fixed an issue with the see service of the device_tracker component and that is required for this component