I just picked up a Remotec Z-wave 8 button controller (https://amzn.to/3oFmAxj) after much searching around on best non-wired remote and I want to consolidate some RF devices (garden, shed lights and blinds) so they could be controlled by this unit.
Long answer : you’ve bought a ZWave remote. It can only communicate with a ZWave controller, or some other ZWave devices. As you existing devices are RF and not ZWave they can’t communicate. Maybe some of your devices will be able to add a small ZWave relay or dry contact like the Fibaro FGBS-222.
You should better return this ZWave remote and buy a universal RF remote.
So you already have a ZWave network, a controller and so on. You did not buy this remote as your only ZWave device.
A while back I was using a Broalink RM3 or RM4 Pro (I’m not sure about the number…). It was possible to record RF signal, and send it back whenever I wanted.It was not with Home Assistant but I’m pretty sure Broadlink devices are integrated in Home Assistant.
EDIT : Broadlink - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
It seems a lot of devices have rolling code (for security - makes sense I guess) and thats a problem for many devices connecting to an RF Bridge. Will keep researching…