Constant Crashing with RPi Web Dashboard

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this, but I have been running a RPi based dashboard for a while and keep experiencing near constant crashing. I am running a Raspberry Pi B 3+ with a 7" touchscreen running the latest Raspbian 32-bit with the default chromium browser set to auto launch the interface and every couple of hours it crashes with error code 5. Just to clarify my HA instance is running on a separate RPi4. I would appreciate any help solving this issue! Thank you!

I just have chromium opening a home assistant dashboard with a camera card and some buttons running in fullscreen.

Is there any way to prevent home assistant from crashing chromium? I have reinstalled raspbian repeatedly and used other browsers too but nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? I even tried a chrome plugin to restore crashed tabs… Does nobody have rpi web based dashboards running?

Same problem here-did you find a solution?