Constant updating of time

Hello All. I am having an issue with my configuration. In my logbook every minute I get about 6 devices that update the system time. Two of them are wrong and causing some of my time based automation to miss. I have searched google and the forums here.
I cannot seem to find where these entities are coming from. I searched in .storage as well as configurations.yaml.
I am still pretty new to HA but I have tried everything I have read. I cannot delete the time entities because they do not have a unique ID. I have followed the guide for entities without an ID, but i cannot find these time sensors anywhere. One is called sensor.internet_time, which gives a weird state.

Has anyone come across this before?
How can I find and delete these sensors?

Thank you.
Screenshot 2024-01-01 135859

These are just sensors. When you live in the UTC -5 time zone, they seem to be correct. How do th triggers in your failing automations look like?

Hi. Look at the top one, it goes to @###.
I have tried to locate the sensors to try to get rid of them, but have not been able to locate them. I Get these 6 log entries every minute. It really clogs up the log. Id love to stop them.

At some point you must have set them up in your configuration. If they aren’t in configuration.yaml, check any other file or folder that is included with the sensor top-level key.

If kept, these sensors should be excluded from both the recorder and logbook to avoid the issue you are experiencing:

I will give that a shot. Thanks so much for the suggestions.

What do you mean by this? Where else could i look?

Look in configuration.yaml for lines that start with sensor and use the !inclue tag, for example:

sensor: !include sensors.yaml

Any file listed like that might include the Time and Date sensors. Beyond that, if you are using packages it could be in any file or folder within the packages folder.

Welcome to Swatch Internet Time - not at all useful. As mentioned above you can just suppress these in the recorder, or select which ones you want by restricting the display_options list in the Time & Date sensor (where Internet Time is “beat”).

I mean as an idea, it was actually quite useful. The idea that when communicating with someone in any country on the net, you could just give a @ beat time and it would be the same for everyone, everywhere in the world. No need to mess about trying to convert between timezones AND no need to mess about with daylight savings times either.

Sadly, it never took off. I bet if Apple or someone suggested it now, it would be considered revolutionary, but from memory swatch time, came about in the late 90s and the internet was not in your pocket at that point.

Yeah fair point - maybe I should have said “not at all used”. I remember thinking when it came out that it would never catch on, and was just a marketing gimmick.

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I feel that being invented by a watch company, and initially only being available to people who bought a watch, from said watch company. Probably hampered adoption somewhat. Though I have just been reading that CNN implemented it and ICQ had it built in too. Much as it may appear to be dead, there are apps for iPhone that will allow a widget on the lock screen. And there are at least 6 websites - including timeanddate who will let you see swatch time. Really, it’s just waiting for someone influential enough, to give it a push and we might all suddenly find ourselves using it again.